Saturday, January 07, 2006

Still bookish

One of the many downsides to finishing a much enjoyed book is that within a day or so the story and its characters or the topic and its adherents become like a distant relative. You enjoyed them so much when they were with you but since time has elapsed since your last visit you don't have a reason to keep them at the forefront of your daily activities. The problem is further compounded by starting a new book with new faces and issues. Life has moved on and there are fresh plots and points to rehash in your mind as you absentmindedly wipe the counter or put on your coat. Favorite parts to smile again over or stirring ideas to rekindle. Reading is a necessity in the civilized world, but reading is anything but civil. People and their problems, real or imagined barge into your brain when you are least expecting or at least unintentionally expecting it. Before you know it, you have spent the last four minutes of your drive to the bank wondering what plot turn is next. And of course you have no recollection of what turn you just made as you sail through a yellow light. Scrubbing the sink and you'll wonder if the author is as witty in real life as they are on paper or does the editor help put those things together that make you spontaneously smile. Oh, yes. Reading is certainly not civil. How can one politely explain that they have not been listening to the last full minute of your conversation because something was said five minutes ago that made them think of their current reading material? Realizing that you just smiled over something that you can't explain without getting into a full blown book talk. So you just smile demurely and hope they'll let you get home to your book!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    "How can one politely explain that they have not been listening to the last full minute of your conversation because something was said five minutes ago that made them think of their current reading material?"

    I thought this only happened to men! :)


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