Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Language Lessons

We are continuing to move along in the process of teaching our 5.5 year old son to read. My latest resource, Language Lessons for Little Ones 3(LLL) was ordered from Timberdoodle although it can be purchased from the author Sandi Queen at Queen Homeschool as well.
This series combines paintings, photography, poetry, narration, copywork and phonics lessons into one consumable workbook to assist your child in learning the mechanics of language. For us, this is not our sole phonics resource, as we are continuing to work our way through Jessie Wise's program The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading which I previously wrote about here. I am still relying on her book for our main phonics lessons as the lessons are more detailed and methodical than the LLL books we have purchased.
But as I was looking for something to reinforce the lessons through copywork and further practice this book seems to fit. So far we have progressed through thirteen lessons in two days including a creative art piece from my son based on one of the poetry lessons.
We are currently working hard to transition from using the short vowel sounds to long vowel sounds and it is rough terrain. We have made homemade flashcards for easy review, created lists of rhyming word families (i.e. make, take, lake, snake, etc.) and are reading Bob books in an effort to help make the new material stick. See my review of the Bob books here.
I am taking my time in picking our homeschooling resources because I know that buyer's remorse is all too common in the world of homeschooling. Lots of great products but finding the ones that match your children's learning style and needs is the key. So I read, research, and look online for sample pages before I commit to purchasing. So far I have been happy with all the resources I have purchased. Of course, next up is finding a math program for our son which is apparently not a task for the faint-hearted. Lord, help me, I pray.

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