Friday, July 06, 2012

strange, but true...maybe

I'm finding this hard to believe since I often yearn for days like this, but I think I am missing the atmosphere of learning that our "school year" provides.  Seth is busy with different playmates each day and only one day this week did I manage to find time to do our morning Bible routine.  I miss talking and reading through our lessons and literature together.  I miss watching him write well-formed cursive sentences or narrate from his nature reader.  I liked our routine and feel a bit lost without it, I think.

An afternoon at the Canal


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Look at Katie trooping along with Daddy, Laura's adorable stride.. and Seth? That's just Seth. Miss you all. MemMem

  2. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Oh Heather - you read my mind... I miss the steady pace of the day. I feel like I don't have the same comfortable predictability that the morning used to bring...
    Maybe I just can't let go of the control of schedule?
    September will be here soon, and then the next and the next....


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