Wednesday, August 27, 2014

getting ready

"I was old enough to understand that getting ready wasn't simply a matter of playing "space mission" with my brothers in our bunk beds, underneath a big National Geographic poster of the Moon. But there was no program I could enroll in, no manual I could read, no one to even ask. There was only one option I decided. I had to imagine what an astronaut might do if he were 9 years old, then do the exact same thing. I could get started immediately. Would an astronaut eat his vegetables or have potato chips instead? Sleep in late or get up early to read a book?
I didn't announce to my parents or my brothers and sisters that I wanted to be an astronaut. That would have elicited approximately the same reaction as announcing that I wanted to be a movie star. But from that night forward, my dream provided direction to my life. I recognized even as a 9-year-old that I had a lot of choices and my decisions mattered. What I did each day would determine the kind of person I'd become." ~ Chris Hadfield, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth


  1. Wow. Impressive. What age is this for? I have a son currently fascinated by astronauts. Thanks for linking in!

    1. Dawn,
      I would like to see our son read it in his teen years. He addresses issues like work ethics and intrapersonal relationships with work colleagues which I think would be helpful for a young adult, although he is not writing as a Christian. There is one unsavory word used, where he recounts someone's comment about a mutual colleague. Overall it is very engaging and descriptive. Perhaps a read aloud or a preread on your part could help you determine if your son can read it now.

  2. Perfect example of how an Idea can capture the mind and inform one's behavior. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. oh yes, thank you for pointing that out, Lisa!

  3. That really is impressive.

    1. A pastor from a sister congregation read this part in the closing of his sermon and I was impressed as well.


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