Saturday, July 04, 2015

Magnetic Matching Game

I've been saving frozen juice lids for a few months. I only buy frozen orange juice for backup so it took me a while to accumulate more than twenty. I originally was saving them for some sort of picture game for Kate, but I didn't really have the images readily available, so I decided to use them to help learn numbers instead.
I printed off two sets of these numbers in black and white, and colored them with colored pencil one night while watching something on tv. After that I drew circles around them with a small glass and a pencil and then cut them out and used a regular school gluestick to paste them onto the clean lids.
Using magnetic wands purchased at a local children's store for three dollars each, we have had a great time playing matching with the numbers and then even more fun just playing with the magnetic wand and lids on their own. There really is a lot you can do with lids and magnetic wands. I've already started saving some more for future inspiration.


  1. CUTE, Heather! I love this idea! And they turned out so cute! (We don't buy much juice, either, so it would take me a long time to save up!)

  2. Thanks Stacy. We could both ask other people to save them for us! :)


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