Thursday, August 13, 2015

vacation moments

This is not chronological posting. This is summer vacation flashbacks from just a week ago. This is me overwhelmed by the memories captured on camera this summer and unable to get enough mojo together to crank out the photo laden posts.
So I'm starting with these two photos and hoping this will create a crack in the dam to unleash the posting that needs to happen in order to get caught up on our summer activities.

This spot on the couch is where I luxuriously spent time book reading, scenery gazing, tea drinking, power napping, picture taking, afghan covering, and all around vacationing from some of my normal routines. The internet signal was not strong enough to reach our cabin, so once a day I carried the laptop over to the main lodge building where I checked in with the rest of the world, posted a photo or two on Facebook and answered short emails. Once a day. It was a good change of pace. That couch was perfect, so were all those lamps scattered around and wooden tables, just the right height for books, tea mugs, and resting feet. And the view of the water dotted with sailboats and green forests on all sides was exactly like Swallows and Amazons.

You would think I would show you the view next, but instead the fresh fruit salad I threw together two different cabin mornings is what I'm picking to show you now. Washing and cutting up fresh fruit early in the morning while my kids were getting up was also different from our routine, but it was a delicious and hearty wake-up for the busy day to come. I also realized how much you can do with a small amount of fruit when you mix it together. Apples without skin, bananas, grapes halves, strawberries quartered and blueberries. Great flavors, although bananas do not hold up long in fruit salad. And to remind ourselves that we were on vacation in New Brunswick, we had locally made Mrs. Dunster's Doughnuts to indulge in for breakfast and dessert.

Couches and fruit salad do not seem to be vacation highlights, but gifts come in all different shapes and experiences. So do doughnuts.


  1. Sounds like a very relaxing vacation! I just finished reading swallows & Amazon's to the girls! We loved it.

  2. Karin,
    I'm so glad to hear about S&A. If you want to read more in the series and are having a hard time finding them, I can loan them to you. Thanks for reading and commenting. xo


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