Wednesday, May 15, 2019


It's finally real spring and everything is unfurling and spreading its green glow amidst the absolute flurry of birds darting across the landscape. They fly low and swift completely ignoring us. But we watch them with delight and wonder, wishing we could share in their secrets. How they disappear into the thicket and then reemerge without even ruffling their feathers.
On Saturday, Shane and Seth headed out to see the new Avengers movie shortly before noon and so the girls and I had all afternoon to wander around our town and check out what spring is doing in some of the neighborhood parks.  Kate climbs on everything and has no fear of heights, but she gets uncooperative very quickly with window shopping. So we buy rolls from the bakery and try to cajole her into giving us extra minutes to look at the things Laura and I enjoy.
Although I dearly miss our back garden and conservation land following the river in our old town, I'm happy that we get to experience small town living in a different way with places to walk, shop and observe life.

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