Saturday, December 21, 2019

enjoying Malcolm Guite

Something I think British poet Malcolm Guite excels at is what Charlotte Mason termed as the Science of Relations, explained here by author Karen Glass. The ability to think about the connections that different things have with each other and see their relationships to one another. And unlike Mr. Portokalos in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you actually delight in following the connecting thoughts Malcolm Guite's writings and presentations exhibit. 
Despite being unfamiliar with Anglican liturgy and church life, I still enjoy much of what he shares in articles like this one from Poet's Corner. I had the wonderful privilege of attending an evening with Malcolm Guite in my little town back in the summer. My photos are blurry as I was trying to take them discreetly as he performed on stage/
Before he started his presentation, I met Malcolm in the church foyer as I was coming in the door. As no one was speaking to him at the moment, I bravely introduced myself before asking with apology for him to sign my copy of his Advent poems even though it was early August. He was kind and cheerful and very easygoing.
It was a wonderful evening of story and song and laughter. He's very funny and so comfortable on stage that the time with him flew by too quickly. I have not been able to find a recording online from that evening, but you can listen to him read his poems on his website or look for past recordings of him on Youtube.


  1. Welcome Back (I hope)!!!

    I have come to know about him from other blog friends who live and study at Oxford (or who have in the past). I haven't read any of his books, yet. Lancia at The Cultivating Project talks about him a lot.

    1. Brenda, Thank you for mentioning Lancia, I wasn't familiar with her project before your mention.
      I don't remember where I first heard of Malcolm Guite, but I listened to him read his Advent/Christmas poems on his website before I had his book. Merry Christmas!


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