Saturday, January 07, 2023

December as we knew it (Part 3)

(Because these posts are so long, they are each taking up a page on my site, so you can look for the other December posts in the Archive sidebar where they are listed by their individual titles. Or you can use these links to open up a new page for each post: Part 1 and Part 2.)


The rest of December was food and family time. We shared the hosting with my in-laws, taking turns between our two houses and swapping food items back and forth to keep us all fed and lazy. By the end of the week, traveling family members said goodbye and I began to dismantle much of the Christmas decorations. 
On Saturday afternoon, the end of December, I was ready for a change so Seth and I went into the city for a walk-about to enjoy the mild weather and mostly sunny skies. We peered in windows and browsed open shops, admired old buildings and the Christmas decorations. We got back to the car with about a minute left on our parking receipt and congratulated ourselves for our impeccable timing. 
On Sunday, the first day of January, we went to church, ate lunch together and then in the evening, the kids and I finally found time to watch my favorite Christmas movie with them, A Child's Christmas in Wales. It was the perfect way to end our Christmas vacation.
Monday, Seth was returned back to school after one last family lunch together and I prepped for an attempt to get back into our schoolwork. 
Thanks for following all of these long December posts. 

January is next and with only a week on the calendar spent, that New Year post will be a breeze to get through. 

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