Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gaining a perspective

I needed to read this on the day she posted it and again today.

With my first children I assumed chaos was the best we could expect and housekeeping was kept to the bare despicable minimum. I resented the intrusion housekeeping chores made on our life and figured no one could be expected to do them with any regularity given the peculiar demands tiny people imposed. I fell into the mindset Peterson describes - this will pass. We would wait until some future date when things would get back to 'normal.' As you can see 'normal' never came and chaos was not an acceptable status quo for the long haul. Neither was resentment.

In His divine economy God wastes nothing. If the season of life in which you find yourself has its own set of unique trials, be assured it also has its unique opportunities as well. Instead of clinging to our comfort zones we can embrace the change and ask ourselves how we might see and do things differently. We can be certain that we are able to thrive under many different circumstances. There is a reason for today.
Read the whole post: Normal is just a setting on your washer