Wednesday, February 15, 2006

High School Flashback

We were in one of Mr. Crush's math classes, obviously not a math person, I have no recollection of what it was. We must have been getting rowdy and difficult. Crush needing to restore order launched into a full rebuke of our unseemly behavior. At one point in his diatribe, he started off a sentence with the pointed words, "What I don't need is...". For some unknown reason that struck most of the class quite funny. I'm sure no one laughed out loud, however, in the hallways, bathrooms, and study halls, that line was repeated over and over as we added various lines to make the originally statement completely ridiculous. The crowning moment came when one industrious student placed a handwritten sign over Mr. Crush's classroom garbage can, proclaiming "Things he doesn't need". Thankfully Crush had brought his sense of humor to school that day and we all laughed ourselves silly at the ingenuousness of the sign.

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