Friday, July 06, 2007

The fruit of my labors

Strawberry jam made with organic sugar. The jars and their lids were free at a yardsale I went to two weeks ago as was the wooden tray they are sitting on. I actually got two trays like that one which have come in handy several time now. They need to be stained which I hope to get done soon. All in all, I enjoyed myself yesterday as I listened to the book Anne of Green Gables on cd. I've been listening to this for the past week while I do various jobs around the house, and I'm really enjoying the story, even though I have seen the movies a bazillion times.
This is the second batch of strawberries that we have picked this season from a rural farm just a mile or two down the road. The first pickings were inhaled just plain as they were little and sweet. These firmer larger berries were better for making jam. I have some berries still left, but I need to get more jars if I'm going to use them for jam.
I still have a jar of freezer jam left to use that I made this past spring for my son who somehow got picky about his jelly last year. I have since convinced him to eat whatever kind I pair with his peanut butter. I think I prefer cooked jam as the chunks of strawberries are smaller and the jam is not as runny. But since I haven't sampled mine yet, I better reserve my final judgments until I at least open a jar.
I also have a small amount of raspberries which need some attention very soon. I might just make a pie this afternoon to use up the rest of the berries.


  1. Impressive jam.......stain the tray? about tole painting it:-)

  2. "tole" painting is like sooooo last year...
    actually I just prefer to see the natural wood grain, that's all.

  3. I love making jam. I made so much when we were in Ukraine. The one way to keep a little of the two weeks of strawberries throughout the year. . . The first year we were back in the States, our AC went out the week I bought strawberries to can. Lemme tell ya, July in Florida with no AC is NOT conditions conducive to canning! Several times since then, we've bought fruit for canning, but usually end up just eating it fresh. I've only made jam once since moving here. . . (Oh, and I got a gaggle of jars from Freecycle! *Grin*)

  4. Somehow, I knew you'd be a Freecycler too! :)

  5. So last year? or that went out way back there in the 90s, I suppose, you young thing:-)


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