Monday, September 08, 2008


I have signed up to teach Sunday School at our church this year after being a helper last year. Since teaching is my background it seemed the right time to get involved more involved. I also wanted to have a reason to keep my own study time more disciplined. The curriculum is taking us through a study through Luke which is perfect as I just purchased these commentaries by J.C. Ryle after years of wishing for them.
I will be having between four and six students each week with ages ranging from six to eight years old. I also will be taking my turn at leading the large group time. I am excited to get more involved and have more responsibility but I am also taking it seriously and doing the necessary prep work. Failing to plan is planning to fail as the adage goes.

1 comment:

  1. need to look for his commentaries... you told me they were good. You'll be a great teacher. Those kids are blessed.
    Love you.


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