Starting on the left, there are three rows of celery being guarded by three marigolds, four basil and one itty-bitty thyme plant. Moving to the right are two rows of Bronze Arrowhead lettuce and one row of Little Gem lettuce. All were started from seed and have done well.
Growing the Romaine from seed has been a disappointment for the second year in a row so I bought some real plants which are on the left. Two rows of carrots have come up and two more in the empty center are just starting to poke through. Behind the Romaine are a few pea plants and to the right of those begin the first of four pickling cucumbers ready to climb the fence. The plant in the front of the carrots is a currently unknown, meaning I lost the marker and I don't think it was what was planted in the first place. I am hoping it turns out to be a zinnia since none of them survived the seedling stage. Another disappointment. Onto the tomato patch which is proving to be the don't-under-estimate-us group.
There are ten(possibly eleven) plants in total. With the exception of the two mature and flowering plants, the rest all came from those tiny seedlings I posted back a bit. Way-to-come-from-behind guys!
I have four different varieties which include cherry and grape, paste and slicing. If they produce anything worthwhile, I'll showcase them later in the summer. The ones grown from seed are heirloom seeds which I hope to save some for next year. The two plants I bought which are already flowering and showing fruit are a sweet red grape which is a delicious hybrid that I missed having last year. I went with a yellow pear instead and really regretted that choice. So this year, the tomato grape is back and I expect I won't leave it out again
Lastly, right up against the fence(please pardon the nasty flaking paint, it's owned by the condo corp and I don't think we can just replace it ourselves) is a wobbly row of green onions and hopefully some more herbs like parsley, chives and I can't think right now what else I planted there. I have weeded since I took this picture yesterday and I left a lot of little green sprigs until I can tell if they are weeds or seedlings. Also seen in the pictures are more marigolds. Growing up I hated when my mom planted with marigolds. I found them smelly and a plain-Jane flower but now that I am trying to protect my plants without using insecticides, marigolds are my best buds, literally. So I started seven or eight from seed to be able to scatter around the garden as protection. They have grown a lot and one seems to be ready to produce a flower in the next few days. I'm quite pleased that I don't have to buy them like I did last year.
And so here's a shot of the inside-the-fence part. We'll have to go through the gate to see the rest. The three tree stumps seen are a stalled project that has yet to see a compromise between husband and wife. I want to create a digging and play area but the location is under dispute. Hopefully they won't stay there forever. Also visible are three pots with green trellises sticking out of them. They each contain two climbing sweet pea plants which need to be moved to a permanent home.
Before we go out the gate, here's the part where I probably will be saying to myself after we come home from our New Brunswick vacation, "what on earth was I thinking!". Four sunflower(real big ones)plants and four(if they all come up) scarlet runner beans which can get up to twenty feet but at least seven!
And in the middle of all that mayhem will be two morning glories fighting for their place on the fence. Chaos-in-the-waiting. Can't wait!
Marching along the outside of the fence is a row of sugar peas with yellow beans planted and starting to sprout in front. The peas have showed up quite well and are almost high enough to start tying them up. The yellow beans are struggling and perhaps may not be as plentiful as last year. This part of the property is technically not ours but I dug it up last year and have expanded it this year to include more plants, mostly a watermelon patch which wraps around to our neighbors yard. I had to get rid of an invasive flowering plant and thought I would try some Sugar Baby watermelons. Everyone keeps telling me how much water they need so who knows what will happen. You can see the watermelon area begins past the small row of rocks in the background.
So that's the garden for this year. We'll see what we get.
Thanks for posting that, Heather! I love seeing someone else's garden-- especially one so challenged for space. You've planted so creatively-- inspiring me!