Thursday, October 07, 2010

flying off the shelf

A few years back, while visiting with my friend Norma she recommended a book by J.C. Ryle entitled The Duties of Parents. I tracked down a second hand copy for a dollar and read it through, enjoying his directly worded admonitions to parents. My close friend, Barb became a first-time mom a few years ago and since she likes to read, I gave her my copy. I found another second-hand copy, read through it again and just last week I gave that copy to another friend of mine, Carmen who has a firstborn seven-week old baby boy. See a trend yet? Can you guess what I will likely do next?
If you click on the link above, you can order a brand new copy for less than three dollars. I think I need to order at least five. Around here, we call that stocking up. :)
If you would to download this 34-page book for free, follow this link and you will see download options.
It could go without saying but I will say it, this is an excellent resource for Christian parents.

1 comment:

  1. What a friend you are!

    Now that I see this book on your post I am thinking my husband may have a copy which I will be searching for.

    ps I hope you will see my answers to your practical questions soon. Blogger has been quite uncooperative.


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