Sunday, February 27, 2011

book sale

Ninety-nine dollars of books on the floor, ninety-nine dollars of books,
Take one down, pass it around, fifty gazillion more books on the floor.

Every February, a local church runs a huge used book sale and I drag home good stuff. This year was the biggest haul yet.

See any favorites? Anything I should put on top to be read first? The stacking order seen here was strictly done to keep the stack from toppling over. The girls were very eager to get close and make that happen. How I even managed to do this with them around should be the eighth Wonder of the Industrial World.

There are a few titles not pictured as they have already been pressed into service by our voracious readers.

Actually this is where the girls want to be when Seth and I sit on the couch to read and study together. And they each need a book to read or sing from, which would be fine until Kate decides to read in her pulpit voice which is very hard to compete with, so we don't. :)


  1. Heather -- I think I MUST join you and Jo next year. Such treasure's you find! And I have empty-recently-purchased-new-to-me bookshelves! Can you imagine??? ;)

    We missed you at worship today. We are all so sick for the second week in a row. Painful. I hear the weather is supposed to be warm tomorrow and we could really use some fresh air!

    Love to you!

  2. These photos make me drool! :-D

  3. Heather,
    I only bought about 60 this year. I was being too picky, I think. I should have just grabbed and stuffed and reveled. I did get some very pretty books though.

  4. Heather, I literally had to swallow saliva while I looked at your photos in this post. That. is. an. amazing. haul. Kudos and thanks to the Lord!

    I brought home a much smaller pile April 29th from my annual book sale haul, but I'm delighted to have fewer books to try to shelve...somewhere???

    I came over here because I really appreciated your comment on my post on Zinsser on Friday. It was so encouraging to read that.

    Thank you,

    Carol in Oregon


I enjoy reading your comments and try to reply as much as I can. Thanks for reading here.