Wednesday, August 20, 2014

a gathering of ideas

Here is a selection of online materials that I have been enjoying over the last couple of weeks as I prepare for the return to our lessons in September and as I pray and meditate on the Word of God. How rich we are to have an abundance of godly men and women who can provide such a feast for our souls, even in this dark hour of our culture.

Catechisms for the Imagination

Podcast: Hemingway, Waugh, and the Collapse of Shared Spiritual Value after WW1

Classical Q and A with Dr. Chris Perrin

Theology of Wonder: Integrating the Humanities

R.C. Sproul and D.A Carson on Biblical Exegesis

In honor of Cindy Rollins closing a chapter in her life by pulling her blog Ordo Amoris off the web indefinitely, here are some of her words which I hope will help you think through the role of motherhood and womanhood.

Yesterday I received in the mail my yearly statement from the Social Security Administration. Not much has changed in the last 20 years. If you looked at the statement you could almost say that it reflects 5 years of earning and 20 years of learning. Because I have been a stay-at-home mom, I have had the leisure to pursue scholastics. I am beginning to grasp why the word schola is linked to the word leisure. I have had the leisure to learn. In modern times we think of leisure as the pursuit of pleasure rather than the pursuit of wisdom, but truthfully, you must have leisure to learn.

This isn’t a new idea with me but if that is true then surely mothers at home are the modern equivalent of the monastics. We are the preservers of truth and beauty in our culture. This will never be understood by the culture at large. We will continue to be scorned and told we are not contributing.  But some day, maybe hundreds of years from now, someone will write a book titled How Motherhood Saved Civilization.
In light of this we should be very, very busy in our homes creating an environment of truth and beauty. The future of civilization is depending upon us.


  1. What a great quote from Cindy. I only recently, in the last 6 months or year?, started reading her blog. What a blessing she is! I'm glad her Morning Time blog is still going.

    Do you homeschool more classically then? I'm still not totally sure what it means to be CM *and* classical. I know about the whole trivium thing, but some people are saying that that's not the kind of classical Mason was. It's a little fuzzy for me still. *scratching head*

    I really, really love your blog name, btw. I feel that way SO much. I am so prone to wander but God is so faithful! I just read the story of Adam and Eve to my oldest the other morning and it struck me how kind and loving it was for God to make clothes for Adam and Eve after they had just done the ONE THING He told them not to do! I probably would've said GO MAKE YOUR OWN DERN CLOTHES!

  2. Haha, I'm laughing at your Adam and Eve comment, spoken like a true mom.
    I do follow CM and AO fairly closely. I also do pay attention and use ideas from Andrew Kern, Adam Andrews, and Leigh Bortins as long as they do not take me away from CM.


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