Wednesday, February 01, 2012

here at home

Today, I am finding a little relief from the sore throat and sinus headaches that have bothered me since Saturday morning. My upper jaw even hurt yesterday evening so I was surprised that I didn't feel worse this morning. My sinuses are definitely infected and even though I can feel some pressure today, it is better than the previous days. We'll see how I feel by dinnertime which is often my lowest time.
Yesterday brought a visit with my friend Gerda from church and she brought blueberry muffins and those lovely pink tulips to brighten our home. I always enjoy the time together with her and she is so kind to take time from her busy life to share her morning with us. And although my head and throat hurt for most of the day, it was still nice to sit and chat with her as we looked after the kids.
We are into February now and the appointments and outings that were cancelled in the last three weeks need to be put back on the schedule. But while I wouldn't say I have cabin-fever, I do feel like the kids need to get out a bit. Seth is registered to start a 6 week Rocks and Minerals course with a local homeschool coop, starting this Friday. This will be his first time doing anything like this so for his sake I hope the experience is a good one and that perhaps we will even net a homeschooling family friend for him that doesn't live too far away.
The girls are busier than ever and keep our home full of their playthings faithfully dragged out everyday and littered from one end of the house to the other with cupboards and doors rummaged through in hopes of finding something new and exciting to play with. Lately the kitchen counters have been where all the cool kids hang out.

Needless to say, keeping messy and dangerous items out of their reach has become a new futile goal. Kate is providing help in unloading the dishwasher and for the most part it goes well, but there are some times when Mommy just doesn't want any help right now, thank you very much.
Despite being laid low in recent weeks with colds and coughs, Seth's schoolwork has managed to keep on track and we are making good progress in many areas. After completing some lessons together on Monday, I went to rest in bed while he completed a list of independent work culminating with a listen to Prince Caspian from Focus on the Family's Radio Theatre. When I came down later in the afternoon, this is how I found him.

Kate is doing so well walking, I need to post an updated video very soon so you all can see how well she is progressing. It is very encouraging after all these years of limited mobility to see her walking upright, getting to where she wants to go. Thank you for all your prayers towards this end. Continued prayer is needed for her chewing and eating skills as well as her progressing in her speech. But I praise God for how He has answered our prayers thus far.

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