Saturday, October 18, 2014


We have lived in this spot for over seven years. It was mid-March when we came to look at the house. We looked out the back patio doors into our own tiny fenced backyard at the various lumps covered in five hundred feet of snow and had no idea what we would find when it all melted. But beyond the fence, we could see the frozen river and the open spaces where trees towered over us and we knew that this would be a wonderful "backyard" for us.
We moved in, sometime in late May along with several billion mosquitoes. But the enjoyment we have had from this green space redeems even the curse of the mosquito. Almost. Mostly. Pretty much.
And that is why it makes it hard to move on. We want to for many reasons, but we have been thoroughly spoiled. We cannot just go and buy another house. It needs to have (gesturing wildly) this.
I can plant flowers in gardens and moss on tree stumps, but I cannot plant a river that mirrors the sky and the trees. I can grow summer vegetables anywhere, but I cannot grow huge oak trees in a season. That takes a commitment and a plan for the distant future. Moving on without these (more wild gesturing) things is difficult to ponder. So we keep looking, and in the meantime, savoring all of this.

p.s. okay, it doesn't have to have an apple orchard, but wouldn't that be great?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If I lived with such simple pleasures that were soul-stirring, I would hate to leave it also. But if it happens, I hope He leads you beside still waters, and to a spacious place where you can enjoy His creation just as much. Love your pics. They are so crisp and professional!

  3. Kathleen5:28 PM

    I love your gesturing wildly. I totally get it. Your "this" is hard ot find. Frogs at your finger tips... jsut just can't go back.

    Love - K

  4. Oh! Must you? I do so love all the beauty you're surrounded by that you capture so well in your photos! If you must, may He lead you somewhere else just as lovely. (I love the image of you "gesturing wildly"). Blessings, friend.


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