Monday, December 15, 2014

December moments

December always has its own roller coaster of moods for me. Excited about plans, overwhelmed by ideas, stretched for new gift lists, anticipating family time and travel plans, keeping up lesson work and housework, it all comes to a head this time of year. I don't do well with Advent daily readings, as we always get behind, but we are reading applicable Bible passages and discussing things on our own.  We are of course reading Christmas books and those that that fortuitously coincide like Mr. Pipes Comes to America. 
A quick visit from my mom to spend time with us before Christmas arrives and she is always eager to play a game or two. Next up is Kate's birthday and then it is full steam ahead to Christmas celebrations. I figure another ten years or so and I will get to have those quiet, reflective Advent moments that people are always talking about. (Wink, wink.)

1 comment:

  1. I thought it might bless you to know that I am eating those EXACT muffins (curtesy your blog, crica 2012) and will be sipping from that EXACT mug (also curtesy you) .... as soon as I type this last word.


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