Wednesday, March 18, 2015

places and spaces

"We need only ask ourselves which places -- which towns, which buildings, which rooms, have made us feel like this -- which of them have that breath of sudden passion in them, which whispers to us, and lets us recall those moments when we were ourselves."
~ Christopher Alexander, The Timeless Way of Building

In the area of Pennsylvania that I grew up in, I have a place that I return to as often as my visits home permit, a place that fills me with such delight for all that is there. This place became a haven to me during my high school years, a place where no trends were being set, no in-crowds were needed, a place to go and sit or walk and gaze at the landscape, the architecture, and the history present in this place.  I have enjoyed this place with my husband, my children, my mom, and an occasional friend over the years; it does not require solitude to be enjoyed. When I read this quote above, this place immediately came to mind.
That said, I do enjoy being in other places, like my home and my parents' home, homes of good friends, along our backyard river and in the woods. Also small bookstores, map shops, plant nurseries and being with church family bring me delight as well.
Places to be ourselves, but the renewed version of ourselves, as our pastor said this past week, that give you a glimpse of what you look like without sin. Now that is a glorious thought.

This is part of the Moravian Church grounds in Bethlehem, PA. I meant to say that, but forgot until now.

* My third paragraph made sense to me when I wrote it, but now that I've reread it a couple of times, it seems off. I'm leaving it because hopefully someone gets my point, that as followers of Christ, the more we put off sin, the more and more we resemble Christ and we get glimpses of what our fully renewed self will be like. Anyways, I hope this is clearer, lest anyone thinks I'm promoting something heretical about sanctification.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I love this .. all three paragraphs .. and the picture of your special place


    1. Thank you, Lia for reading here and commenting. I didn't mean to sound mysterious about this place. It is the Moravian Church grounds in Bethlehem, PA. Love you.

  2. I don't know that I have any places where I identify as being myself, but I like the idea. I reminds me of A Ring of Endless Light by L'Engle and her discussions of what it means to be oneself. Thanks.


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