Saturday, December 21, 2019

a Christmas craft for children

We did this Christmas craft with our six and seven year olds at church a couple of weeks ago as part of our Christmas class. We did some singing as usual, then read a picture book together telling of the birth of Christ, enjoyed a homemade sweet treat and worked on this craft.
I prepped everything you see above, so they only had to assemble the pieces using a glue stick. I also stuck the stars together over the hemp cord in advance because I thought that the placement was tricky and important enough to hang correctly as an ornament. And then we gave them a piece of tape and helped them tape the ornament cord to the back so that it hung straight.

All the paper is cardstock and the blanket is wool felt. You might not want the same kind of stickered stars, but I had those on hand and they worked. I left the face blank on my baby, but we encouraged the children to do what they liked. They also followed each other and wrote the name of Jesus on the blanket. Everyone was given a plastic sealable bag to transport their ornament safely home as a hopeful idea. We do not do crafts every week* so this was received with great enthusiasm and effort and I just love being with them each week!

*We do various forms of narration and retellings in our class as per the methods of Charlotte Mason. We generally read the Bible passage/story from our Bible and add our own story-telling methods to convey the lesson. The children then retell the lesson back in a group effort or individually in their narration journals. We help them write words if they need help, but the choice of what to draw or write from the lesson is their own. We keep the journals all year and send them home in June.

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