Sunday, April 05, 2020

January February March




Popping in a few photos from the past three months of our life as a family. Shane bought me a new phone for Christmas which means I have two cameras and photo sorting takes even longer. We had some snowstorms in January and February and a few days where the temperature and wind chill was very cold. But our snow and ice melted quicker than last year and we are already back to all grass. Nothing says we can't still have a snowstorm, but the temperatures are already going up so the snow wouldn't stay. I've planted some indoor seeds from my old seed stash and a few have poked up already. None of them might make it outside, but I'm enjoying taking care of seedlings once again after a two year absence. 
Like everyone else, we are staying at home and finishing the last ten weeks of our school year. Our home routines were well in place before the Covid-19 pandemic came to our area, but I do miss the freedom to go explore, shop and visit whatever I please. We also miss our traditional church gatherings and other homeschool activities. Seth still works his three shifts a week at the local coffee chain and Shane can work from home and have online meetings with minimal disruptions to his work life. 
We have all enjoyed good health all winter and I am thankful for that more than ever. Having to visit the local children's hospital several times a year for Kate's appointments has really helped me to be acutely aware and very thankful for everyday that we are all healthy and strong. 
Our neighborhood is full of cars parked in driveways and people walking in staggered formation on the road or sidewalk with dogs, strollers and kids on bikes from morning 'til evening. In the nice weather, vehicles are getting washed and vacuumed, garages are being sorted and swept, yards tidied after winter neglect. 
Conversations are happening from the sidewalk, a distant porch, or backyard deck. Groceries are being carried in plastic bags into garages and wiped and sorted with gloves. Families are recognized by the herds they are allowed to travel in while extended family and friends keep the recommended distance. 
Spring is bringing new life on farms and in gardens all the while the battle for health and well-being is being battled in hospitals and homes around the world. As Christians look towards the celebration of Good Friday and Easter Sunday this week, we are living through that time of death and resurrection in various ways. The longing for the new heavens and new earth could barely be greater than it is right now. Sending you love and hope.

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