Sunday, January 04, 2015

In which we find ourselves in a new year

I have been slightly overwhelmed by how much ground I have to cover in order to chronologically document the rest of December and these first few days of January on here. But since there are no rules (other than those pesky self-imposed ones) to this blogging venture I shall do as I like and start where I find myself today.
Winter has returned after having a Christmas holiday in that unseasonal land of Mild and Green. Since yesterday afternoon we have been pummeled with snow, ice and freezing rain which has left a slippery sheen to the walkways and cast the trees and their bare branches into frozen statues. They appear waiting to be tagged so they can lift their branches up to sway in the breeze. But all is still and no squirrels or crows are in sight.

Tomorrow we return to our regular routine with a special dinner on Tuesday to mark Epiphany. I put in some time this morning organizing our lesson plans and with a little bit more prep tomorrow, I will feel ready to tackle this week.
This year for Christmas, I handmade a few items for Laura, one for my mom and some fun gloves for all the kids.  I've included my source link for each item even though only some of them had actual instructions to follow. Sometimes you just need an idea.

Inspiration(but not instructions) found here.
Sleepover party!
Spring bunny instructions found here.

carrots and lettuce even in winter! 

Matryoska doll instructions found here.

made for my mom

Idea for glove claws found here.

the pink and grey ones always make me laugh

I have some thoughts, plans and interests to work towards for this new year. Nothing too big, nothing with too much ta-da, just ordinary ideas to keep me growing and fruitful. Here are few from my notebook.
  • exercise
  • Bible reading
  • prayer
  • consistent lessons and activities with the girls
  • help our children understand the less fortunate
  • improve writing
  • read more from my own bookshelves
  • practice drawing, lettering, and embroidery work
  • plan ahead on my gift making
  • give our house some decorating attention
After having had devoted all my time and energy to Christmas, I have returned to my book reading habits with a quiet thrill and eager desire to have those moments introduced back into my day.  I leave you with a few quotes from my recent readings.

"Abba May Alcott, the mother Louisa immortalized as "Marmee", survived early tragedies to become a strong-willed, intelligent woman who passionately adored her husband even after she had lost all illusions about him, who fought everything and everyone to keep the family fed, clothed, housed, and together. Both parents, even at the worst of times, always respected their daughter's talents and encouraged them to follow their dreams. The Alcott's, other words, were a dysfunctional family unit and as individuals of distinction, in spite of poverty, illness of body and mind, love and losses, and traumas that left lasting stress--all of which made its way, in one form or another into Louisa's books."
~ Norma Johnston, Louisa May: The World and Works of Louisa May Alcott

"However good they are--and both Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Gulliver were very good--cooks do bring a certain inflexibility to the menu. Eggs, once soft-boiled, remain soft-boiled for ever. It was much the same with coffee. We had coffee after dinner at Mallord Street. Why did we never have it at Cotchford? Just because we never did: the opportunity for asking for it had been missed and not it was too late. Anyway, there would be coffee again when we got back to London, 'And it's nice not always having everything the same,' said my mother."
~ Christopher Milne, The Enchanted Places

"We might understand character-training as a task that belongs to parents, or churches, but we tend to separate that kind of teaching from the teaching of school subjects such as math or grammar. The classical educators did not make such a distinction. All areas of education were brought into service for this single goal--to teach children to think and act rightly." 
~ Karen Glass, Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition


  1. Heather,
    I adore all your handmade gifts! :) So cute. I love the spring bunny with carrots & lettuce, especially. So sweet. :) I am about halfway through Consider This, and am really enjoying it. Blessings to you for a cozy indoors (compared to the ice and snow outdoors!) and with great delight in your kids.

  2. Ironic, because part of my new year's resolution is to "read more from your bookshelves" as well.

    Although the covetable idea of a live-in cook intrigues me, I am not sure I would function well with a chef after reading Milne. I fear I rather like having everything the same....

    We'll all wait patiently for chronological posts. So glad you're back at it.

    Love - k

  3. Don't forget the February book sale is coming up! Can't wait!


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